There’s Treasure Inside by Jon Collins-Black is a hunt for 5 different treasure boxes hidden across the United States. Total treasures to find into the millions.
The hunt officially released on 11/12/24. Here is an end of year (2024) summary of what is known /being shared publicly. Lots of discussion on the MW Discord.
There’s Treasure Inside: Quick Book Review
Jon said that even if you didn’t plan on searching for his treasures, you would enjoy the book. I would have to agree. The book itself is of high quality and the stories within are not only about finding treasures inside his hidden treasure boxes – but also within each of us.
Each chapter shares lessons to learn from – based on the history and stories surrounding the treasure items – and also of Jon’s own experiences. There are some amazing tidbits of knowledge to take note and apply. Treasures surely are found inside. (book available on Amazon)
The books may still be on backorder, but Jon said there is a large shipment on its way!
Has a Treasure Box Been Found?
No. As of this writing none have been announced found by JCB (Jon Collins-Black). When one is found Jon says he will announce it on his website, and I will share the news on the MW Discord, other MW social channels, as well as send out a News Flash here!
What Clues Have Been Found?
Lots of clues are being found for each box. How these may all come together to provide a location is unclear. It is also unclear which items being found are red herrings (false leads) and which are actual clues. This is all still being worked out.
It must be stated NOTHING is confirmed until a treasure box is found, but here are the top 5 main discoveries to date – with links to further details/discoveries on each of the boxes.
1) The Appalachian Footpath Box:
An exact match to the trail on the map was found. It includes the Green Mountain trail along the AT near Little Rock Pond, Vermont. (more on the AT box)
2) The Pokémon Box:
It has been noted that many of the phrases in the chapter’s story relate to trails around Hemmed In Hollow of the Buffalo River Valley in the Ozarks, Arkansas. (more on the Pokémon box)
3) The Past and Future Box:
Although the word search and the cryptogram given in the chapter have been solved, they are being scrutinized because they seem layered.
The cryptogram contains some curious items, and the word search was discovered to contain a hidden message - found by anagramming leftover letters not used in the words found.
There remains lots of questions about what the WS message is intended to say and its meaning.
There are also numerous questions about how Ready Player One and other games mentioned in the chapter might come into play. (more on the PF box)
4) The Forrest Fenn Box:
In the description for the Forrest Fenn eBook (more on all the eBooks here), it says, “Read this book to find the clues to decipher where in the Rocky Mountains this treasure resides.”
Although Jon mentioned searching for the Forrest Fenn treasure in the book, he didn’t specifically say his Forrest Fenn box was hidden in the Rocky Mountains. In this description he does. (more on the FF box)
5) The Lion’s Share Box:
One of the most solid found clues for this box seems to be the missing page 90. There are multiple other possible clues being discussed but they remain unclear if they are intended or not. There is no doubt page 90 is missing and is either a clue or red herring. (more on the LS box)
Where are the boxes thought generally hidden?
In a previous Quest Newsletter, I shared possible locations on a map. In short, it is believed by most that the Forrest Fenn box is hidden in one of the four states of the Rocky Mountains – Montana, Wyoming, Colorado or New Mexico.
The Appalachian Footpath box is hidden somewhere along the Appalachian Trail.
The Pokémon box is hidden somewhere in the south – between NC and Texas – and up past the Ozarks in Arkansas.
The Past and Future box has clues to multiple different areas. Some are thought to be red herrings, but it has not been determined which are which yet. Some searchers like Lake Tahoe, while others like Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina, and even Idaho. And still others like other areas.
The Lion’s Share box has not been determined either. I shared a possibility for clues to Michigan, but other searchers feel clues lead elsewhere. Even myself. I am not convinced it is in Michigan - just one of the many options.
Until a box is found all locations remain open.
Top 5 Most FAQ from Searchers:
1) How will JCB know when a box is found?
He says he won’t unless the finder contacts him. But he believes the finder will let him know because he left incentives to do so.
2) How are the boxes hidden (and what size are they?)
Jon says he left instructions on how to open the puzzle treasure boxes. These must be protected and kept with the box. From this it is believed that the boxes, and these instructions, are in a protective pelican type case.
Below is a box size comparison - based on known factors.
3) Are the typos in the book clues?
No. The eBooks had corrected many of them and Jon posted this on his website: “I did not misspell any words, abbreviations, or proper nouns in my book intentionally. Nor did I state any incorrect dates or ages on purpose.”
4) Where are the clues in the book?
Jon has stated all clues necessary are in the book. Clues for the Lion’s Share box could be anywhere within the book, while clues for the smaller boxes are in their individual chapters. (more on location of clues)
5) What treasures are in each treasure box?
The smaller boxes are said to be valued comfortably into the six digits. The Lion’s Share box, which holds the most treasure is believed valued over a million.
Jon doesn’t reveal exactly what treasures are in each box. He has said the Forrest Fenn box contains the Olive Jar with Forrest Fenn’s autobiography and at least one other item he purchased from the Forrest Fenn chest auction.
Inside the Pokémon box is to be at least one of the rare Pokémon cards.
The PF box contains at least one fully loaded Bitcoin.
Jon does not say what the AT box will contain other than to say it holds the most items described in part 1 - than any other of the other smaller boxes.
The LS box contains the largest amount and value of items. Those items featured in the book that are not in the smaller boxes will be in this box. (more on treasure items here)
Has Jon given out more clues to the treasure boxes during interviews?
No. However, there are certain curiosities or details being realized in the things he says. These are related to things he noted in the book, but he is offering a little more detail on them. (Notes on JCB comments)
Thanks for Joining The Quest
Treasures are out there to find! You could be the one to find them.
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Remember, always treasure the adventure!
~ Jenny / Mysterious Writings - the place to find treasures!